First of all, this episode is brought to you by the International Bear Convergence in beautiful Palm Beach, California, February 4-8, 2016. Click on the link below for more information. And be sure and tell them that Armageddon Afterparty sent you.
For their 60th episode, the guys discuss when a man should start getting his prostate checked (by a doctor). This, of course, leads to talk of just where exactly we should be in our lives right now versus where high school Rett thought he would be. There is talk of kids, credit worthiness, and owning/renting a home. This, of course, leads the guys to do some planning for Jon's bachelor party. Also, if anyone has access to a church van, please email us. Or, tell you what - if anyone even reads these descriptions, email us. I am really just curious about that. Later on, the guys discuss the upcoming female Ghostbusters film, which of course leads to a conversation about what Ernie Hudson has been up to these days.